Multi Chapter Rally Report April 28-May 2
Everyone seemed to be in agreement that the first Multi Chapter Rally was a huge success. Bryan and Jane Rose and Larry and Marilyn Forbes did a fine job of organizing the rally, arraigning tours, gathering door prizes, and setting up catered dinners. We are all thankful for their many, many hours of work.
Final tally was 85 rigs in attendance with 156 Escapees attending. Some members drove in while their rigs were being serviced, a few just drove in, some members bought NEW rigs, many shopped at Tom Johnson’s RV store with a 10% Skp discount, while others just browsed through the many RV’s on display. Chapters 3, 6, 15, 16, 20, 26, 27, 29, 36, 41, 42, and 51 were represented. Many members from the Solo’s and the Boomers were also there.
We had some new Escapee’s sign up as well as new members to local chapters. Chapter 20 had 15 rigs and 30 members present! Way to go!
The Rally Park at Tom Johnson’s Camping Center was more than adequate for our needs. We all enjoyed having a full hook up, a very nice pavilion, super clean rest rooms, and a great little restaurant nearby. The Tom Johnson Café served many of us a great breakfast and at lunch time the onion rings were said to be legendary. The prices were very reasonable.
Chapter 20 was responsible for the parking. Phil Devonshire was in charge and he wants to thank Rudy Mager, Bob Iles, Ira Hanks, John Strasbaugh and Jack Mulhall for their assistance.
The weather for most of the week was outstanding, Sunrise over the campground was beautiful to see, if you were awake to view it!
Early arrivals had a good time catching up on news and going out to eat. Is that a surprise? The Biltmore Estate in Ashville was toured by a large group on Friday. The azalea and other flowers in bloom this time of year really added to the beauty of this day.
Crafters were not to be denied. A small group of quilters managed to find each other and work on some cutting and stitching. Sue Spahn taught a class on One Stroke Painting and everyone left with a completed project, either a wine holder or a visor. Patty Mulhall instructed an eager group on pin prick card making while Phil Devonshire shared his knowledge of making aluminum can spinners. A fun time was had by all.
There was also a presentation on Thursday evening about the Blue Ridge Parkway. Dan Brown, a former top executive of the National Park Service, supplied us with driving tips, places of interest, and some wonderful history of the parkway. Vendors from MASA, Magna Shade and Fantasy Tours were on site as well.
Monday arrived with some VERY HEAVY rain, our only bad weather day. Most everyone was able to find an umbrella or two in their rig and make it to the pavilion for coffee, doughnuts and hitch up hugs. Many people left as scheduled but there was a fair number that decided that departure could wait for a sunnier day.
On Sunday afternoon anyone interested in continuing the Multi Chapter Rally next year had a preliminary meeting. It was decided that there was enough interest to continue planning for next year. So on Sunday evening committees were formed, officers were elected and serious planning began. Janie Sloane coined the acronym of Skip ACRE (All Chapter Rally East). So, the Tom Johnson Rally park, Marion, NC. has been reserved for next year 2011. The same time frame too, being April 28 - May 2, 2011. Rumor has it that the Bear's (Betty and Bob) are going to do their famous Sausage Gravy and Biscuits next year at this Rally.....Oh boy, we can't wait!!! BEAR GRAVY!!! Should be a great time for sure!!! Stan Bober, webmaster has already been busy updating the Rally Info Site and adding pictures of this year’s rally. There will be more to come I am sure, so keep checking the website at: .
As with all Escapee events, it was the fellowship, the caring and sharing, the willing volunteers, and the Skip hugs that made this a special event. Every Skp that attended made the rally special in some way. Thanks to all that planned, contributed and attended. See you next year!
Pictures contributed by Bob and Molly Pinner, Jack Mulhall, and Phil Devonshire
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